Stranger : anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found.
I see strangers all around, in huge numbers, people who know me by face, name or origin but they dont know me inside out. What I want, what i think, how i want my life to be. Those are not mirror images. Those are not like me. I dont like them much, being with them or spending time with them.
This city Mumbai, is amazing but i dont like it as much as i like my home town. I dont recognise things over here, dont relate to them, I feel there are better things in my home town like people whom i know, more people who understand me over there, less relatives to bugg me, more open space, less pollution, more independence to move my bike around, a water body aka lake close to my home, my childhood memories. over there, people who appreciate what I do, what I am, my knowledge, more interaction over there, samosa and kachori over in my home town is much better then in over here. Plus Time for everything. In mumbai i just find myself short of time, nothing to do much.
I want to move there and not be a stanger to myself or others. I want familiar faces to be seen, talked to enjoyed which i think either possible by moving to my home town. or getting over myself and adjusting to this stuff.
Lets see what happens.. in coming days.