Paralysis Of Analysis : Over analyse the situation, bring in factors which are not required, make it complex which results in no action being taken.
I suffer from this at times, where I tend to analyse the situation and analyse it again and then once more and then remain undecided.
Like i have to attend a marriage party, Then look at clothes, think of people who are going to come, who is going from my family, look at factors like travel time, urgency, weather, tv serials that are going to come, complete the important work which is not that important (it seems on that day), argue with mom of advantages of not going, shoes are not matching, where is my belt, oh socks where are they, no petrol in bike, how will three people go on bike, my friends are coming over, i have other commitments, too much work is there…
The list seems endless, from a mood to go it turns chodo yaar, kya jana
Or when we want to buy a stock, we think on a similar pattern, market is too up, oh market is falling, this stock has moved too fast, it looks expensive, if cheap why its so cheap, people don’t like it much, analyst are telling lies, it will go down further, it wont go up from here, brokerage is too much, its a small cap, or its too large to be called large cap, its earnings are not increasing fast, its growth is stalled, it has too much debt, Roi is not good, roi is good but Pe is not good, promoters are decreasing stake, or they are buying more inflating the price, mutual funds dont have this stock, mf are selling, it is not giving dividend, i should have bought it earlier, and so on.
Again list is endless..
We just over look benefits and are busy in stupid mind analytic with all factors which are least important.
Just go to that party man and buy the stock you like with conviction which will come from experience and knowing which factor count and which done. Be happy