You come to office! in morning, Login to the Gmail, Daily Routine and There is a message from orkut, that you have a srap. Bang! Your Heart Skips a beat, then another, You Feel Lots of emotions going through your nerves, the time stops, You rush to orkut to read the message, damn! its asking for login, You curse it, why its taking longer, You directly type the url, another mistake, login and screen the dashboard. You check your scraps! Unbelivable, The unexpected has happened, You got a message from a friend for whom you have been searching for past so many years. The familar style of talking is reflected in that one line! You feel Damn Happy! Damn Damn Happy ! the heart still beating fast and skipping another couple of beats.
The same happened with me today, damn happy1
Happy to meet my friend again! Thanks Orkut, Thanks Google